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COOLING METHODS ![]() by Pat Vanecek |
Here are some tips on how to keep your
bunny rabbits cool during the summer.
Place a frozen waterbottle in the cage with your rabbit. Fill
a 3 liter pop bottle with water and then freeze it. Its best to keep an extra
on hand, since it takes 24 hours to refreeze it.
Water and evaporation cool down the air.
Place misters on the roof of your barn or cage(s).
Place a soaker hose around your cage.
Place a wet piece of burlap or rug on top of your cage.
Place a fan so it has air moving past your cage (not directly on your
Place a cement stepping stone or piece of ceramic tile in the cage and wet it.
(this requires a sturdy cage)
Use an evaporative cooler in your barn. (bonus tip--place ice cubes or a frozen water bottle in the pan of water in the evaporative cooler) Be sure to have good ventilation so ammonia doesn't build up.
Use an air conditioner in your barn. Be sure to have good ventilation (air being pulled out) so ammonia doesn't build up.
Mist water on your rabbits ears and face.
If you have any other methods you use to cool your rabbits, please let us know and we'll add them on.
email to:
Laquita Greeson [] Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007
12:30 AM
Subject: keeping your buns cool
Putting your 2 liter
frozen ice bottles in a nest box will cause the ice bottle to last longer.
Your bunnies will actually be waiting in the box the next day, waiting for a
fresh ice bottle.
From: Nikki McCollum [] Sent:
Subject: Cooling Tips
Put fruit in an ice tray and fill the empty space with
water.Freeze overnite and give to rabbit(s).
Jane Snar [] Sent:
another suggestion that I use with my rabbits in summer. I have four that
are part angora, so have super long hair. I simply give them a 'puppy'
haircut to about 3/4" long (all over, including bottom side if you can
manage it) and they noticeably become more active and happy in warm weather
than with that thick and sometimes matted coat they can get. It also
reduces the amount of work you have to do with grooming in summer. I find
that my buns do not matt at all with a short haircut. I just use a regular
haircutting shears made for a human. Practice, taking your time and giving
them frequent breaks, snacks or breaking the haircut into a few days works well
for buns that are new to this. A buzzer can help clean it up exterior
wise, but won't do for a whole haircut. Also take care to feel down to
their skin with your fingers before trimming to make sure you're aware of their
bodies more than just visually. You kind of get a feel for it after a
while, and the process goes faster with time and practice.
simmonskathiej@xxx. Sent:
To: Subject:
RE: Cooling Tips from
Take your rabbit camping with you to
From: Amy Murphy []
Subject: Cooling Method
I have a regular cheap
box fan w/an air conditioning filter attached to the back of it with twist ties
& a mister behind that. It has worked for me for years.
From: Nicole Kelley []
Subject: Cooling Tips
Hi Pat, It hit 103 here in Ozona under our Pecan trees in the back yard.
We use small wash tubs (#0 #00 #000- being the size of the tub bigger the #
smaller the tub) in with the Larger breeds.
They will lay up against them, put their feet off in them - English will
get their ears in them but this tub helps by staying cool, some thing about the
tubs helps keep the water cool. Then
on the smaller breeds we use bread loaf pans.
You just need to get aluminum ones so that they do not rust.
If you use a Swamp cooler freeze milk jugs of water and put them into the
reservoir when it really gets hot that will help cool off the water running on
the pads.
Spraying the ground around the cages with water seems to help a little or
running water on the roofs of the cages if they are metal like ours.
We finally got some rain last night and early this morning maybe it will help
out. We have had 3 days of temps over 100 and it has played hell with some
of our bunnies. Well back to the
grind stone.
From: [] Sent:
Sunday, July 17, 2005 To:
Subject: I have an idea
my name is Devin. I am 14 and I have been raising numerous amounts of
bunnies since I was 9 going on to 10. This summer we saw your site and tried to
figure out away to keep our bunnies cool while we froze the bottles so we could
use the frozen bottle in the cage method to keep them cool. We looked in our
freezer and we saw frozen water balloons from my birthday party that I
froze. We peeled off the the balloon( which peels off very easy.) and got an ice
ball. Then put them in the cages and they LOVED them. and they were running
around all refreshed. so it works very well!
From: []
Subject: Re: Cooling Tips from
just thought that I would tell you what I do to cool off my rabbits. They also
have ice cubes but for my wire cages we soak towels in ice water and then place
them over the cages. Then we place fans pointing slightly towards the towels to
blow the cool water. Hope this helps.... (also give bowls of ice to the dogs)
Red Velvet Rabbitry
Raising Quality Mini Rexs in Red and Broken Located in
From: Shirley W []
Subject: cooling rabbits
I use small ceramic tiles like for walls that I freeze. I
scoot them under the rabbit and they soon learn that it is a cool place to
lay. I also keep a sunblock sheet over the front of my hutch.
Thanks for the tips you provide
a great day!
Subject: Re: Cooling Tips from
From: Thomas Ptaszkiewicz []
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: hi
To keep
the bunnies cool you can keep ice cubes in the bottom of a water dish or bottle
so the water will stay cool .
Carrier Fan
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Tips! Email to:
this page last updated 5/19/07 |
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