Edstrom Water Buddy
has been discontinued.
click here to order BRcom bottles
We do still have some replacement parts.
WaterBuddyAll.jpg (78657 bytes)

The Edstrom Water BuddyTM Drinking Valve has a very low actuation force. It is easily operated by the smallest rodents or birds. The valve is constructed of brass and stainless steel with rugged silicone seals. Water Buddy is not recommended for use with continuous exposure to sunlight.

Operation of the Water BuddyTM
To fill the bottle, flip up the top of the cap, and fill with clean water. If your animal does not consume much water in a day, it is not necessary to fill the bottle all the way to the top. However, the water level should always be kept above the "REFILL LEVEL" line on the bottle. Do not allow the water level to go all the way down to the valve, as this last bit of water is dispensed very slowly and may frustrate your animal or bird.

If you use medication in your water, be sure that it is thoroughly mixed and dissolved in the water before you fill the bottle. If any crystals or powder remains undissolved in the water, you risk having the particles becoming lodged in the drinking valve, causing it to leak. See instructions below on how to repair a leaking valve.

After filling the bottle, gently actuate the stem with your finger until the water begins flowing from the valve. See Figure 1.

Check your Water Buddy at least twice a day to confirm that your animals are consuming the normal amount of water.

Refill the bottle daily. Clean and rinse at least weekly or more frequently if medication is being used in the water.

NOTE: The Edstrom Drinking Valve will not operate if the cap is sealed completely on the bottle. For this reason, the cap has a vent hole. Do not replace the cap with a solid cap that might seal the bottle. Turning the bottle upside down will cause water to spill out. (See Figure 1)

Mounting the Water BuddyTM on the cage
Use the mounting spring to secure the bottle to your cage (see Figure 1). Locate the bottle at a height that the animal or bird can easily reach. See Figure 2. Be sure to locate the bottle so the valve is not close to the bedding (rodents will sometimes attempt to insert bedding into the drinking valve causing it to be lodged open, and drip continuously.)

In bird cages the bottle can be mounted near the floor of the cage or near a perch where they can stand while drinking. Once the bottle has been mounted to the cage using the mounting spring, it can easily be removed by simply pulling the spring down and over the bottom of the bottle. The bottle can then be easily lifted out for refilling or cleaning as required. The spring can remain attached to the cage, ready for easy replacement of the bottle. See Figure 3. (Two springs are used to mount the 32 oz bottle).

Training your bird or animal to use the Edstrom Drinking Valve
Most animals and birds learn to use the drinking valve very quickly. Simply activate the valve with your finger while they are watching. The few drops of water that remain inside the barrel of the valve serve to attract them to try to get more. This is most effective if the Water Buddy is located in the vicinity of where their old water source was in the cage, and if they have been without water for a few hours.

After removing the old source of water, it is critical that you watch the animals carefully to confirm they have adapted to using the drinking valve. Make sure they are consuming some water, i.e. the water level in the bottle drops.

Maintenance of your Water BuddyTM
The Water Buddy is constructed of rugged PVC plastic, and can be washed on the top shelf of the dishwasher. Remove the lid first.

If the drinking valve should drip, the problem is probably caused by a piece of sediment getting inside the valve and lodging on the o-ring seal in the valve. The valve can be disassembled and cleaned, and if required, the o-ring can easily be replaced. See Figure 4.

Click below for larger view of Figures 1-4.
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this page last updated 3-20-17